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$20 Illinois Jackpot
How to play $20 Illinois Jackpot
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to the WINNING NUMBER, win prize shown for that number. Reveal a
“2X”, “5X”,“10X”, “25X”, “50X” or “100X” symbol, win prize shown multiplied by the corresponding
symbol. Reveal a “money bag” symbol in the BONUS BOX, win the corresponding prize.
Price Point | $20 |
Overall Odds | 1 in 3.16 |
Category | Jackpot Family |
Play Style | Key Number Match |
Launch Date | May 3, 2022 |
Game Number | 7463 |
Consolidated Odds
"Win up to" amounts shown above include the game’s top prizes. To see which prizes have yet to be claimed, please check the Unclaimed Instant Ticket Prizes page.